
本網站沒有設有任何專頁,只屬於facebook群組 : PFC準備轉變香港黃金時代團隊(Hong Kong) 旗下的博客

facebook 用戶:Aiolia Morten為朋友
(他是香港準備轉變的社區領導人,詳請請按這2個連結: 玫瑰姊妹團名單準備轉變當地群組名單,裏面顯示他的電郵)

Our team

This website/blog has no any social pages, it only belongs to this facebook group: PFC準備轉變香港黃金時代團隊(Hong Kong)
This facebook group has recognized by the offical prepare for change website: http://prepareforchange.net/participate/create-join-a-group/pfc-local-groups-db-directory/
We are also set up a youtube channel: prepare for change
, Aiolia Morten
The facebook group of Sisterhood of the Rose group(H.K) , has also recognized by the offical prepare for change website: http://prepareforchange.net/sisterhood-of-the-rose/sisterhood-of-the-rose-directory-of-groups/

If you have any questions, it is more than welcome to go this website to ask.
If you want to add in this group, please add Aiolia Morten
as a facebook friend and contact him, send request to him which team you want to add.
Aiolia Morten is a leader of Prepare for change(Hong Kong), he use 2 email accounts to create the group of Sisterhood of the Rose group(H.K) and PFC準備轉變香港黃金時代團隊(Hong Kong)

. List of these in here and here
please don't affected from others that claim that they are trusted but they only say , not to action (correct meditaion).